Where can I download SpaceSaver?
Download SpaceSaver HERE
How do I activate SpaceSaver?
For Mac, go to SpaceSaver > Activate and enter your details. For PC, go to File > Activate and enter your details.
Can I export automatically after importing?
Yes! Go to Settings > Auto Start after Import and click "Yes".
Can I export a different sized images?
Absolutely! Go to Settings > Export Sizes to create the sizes you want to export.
What JPG Quality setting should I use when I export from Lightroom (and others) ?
Go Big or Go Home! SpaceSaver handles the largest files like a champ. Export at the highest JPG quality setting you'd like, and watch SpaceSaver go to work.
What does the image size warning message mean?
Your export size is larger than your original image. Please double check your image and export sizes.
What file types can I import into SpaceSaver?
Good ol' JPG files.
What size images should I import into SpaceSaver?
For best results, feed SpaceSaver the biggest images you've got.
Where can I find my activation code?
Go to File > Forgot Code (on a PC) or SpaceSaver (in the menu bar) > Forgot Code on a Mac. Enter your email address and we'll email you your code.
Can I install SpaceSaver on another computer?
Sure can! You can install SpaceSaver on up to 2 computers using the same Activation Code.
How does SpaceSaver make my images smaller?
So, there are these little magic elves, see...
Just kidding. We've created a custom process that reduces the "weight" of your JPG images while preserving image quality. There is a bit of magic in there, but we can't talk about that...
How can you be certain my images aren't losing image quality?
Eh, you just hold 'em both up to the light and they look pretty okay...
Of course not. We've tested and tested SpaceSaver according to the ITU BT.500 evaluation method to verify that the average user can see no perceptible difference between the original file and the file processed through SpaceSaver when displayed digitally at 100% or when printed.
What happens if I run images through SpaceSaver more than once?
Nothing. Well, sort of. To protect the image quality of your images, SpaceSaver will skip any files that it has already processed. The same is true if you're processed images with another image optimization software, or if the JPGs were already highly compressed.
Do you have a Lightroom Plug-in?
Not at this time. But it's on our radar.
What is the biggest image size I can import?
You know, go big or go home. SpaceSaver doesn't limit you on file size.
How many photos can I process free in your trial?
Process up to 500 images for free. Give it a go. See if it's a fit for you.
Is there a limit to how many photos I can put through SpaceSaver in the full version?
Nope! Go hard in the paint. Do the thing.
Where are my images saved?
That's up to you. By default, SpaceSaver will save the images to your Desktop. Go to Settings > Set Export Folder to set this location.
I'm seeing a 104 Error - what does this mean?
A 104 error likely means you are running security software (like Trend Micro) on your computer that is preventing SpaceSaver from creating and writing to your export folder. CLICK HERE to learn how to fix this.
Why don't my images get any smaller?
You likely imported an image that was already highly compressed.
How did you guys get to be so awesome?
Gosh, you're so kind to ask! It's probably a combo of upbringing, life experience, and a touch of good luck.