104 Error on Mac for SpaceSaver
This is usually a file access issue. If you have Trend Micro you can follow these steps below. If you don’t own Trend Micro please reach out to support.
For Trend Micro this is a one time process to exclude SpaceSaver from scans on your computer
1. Open Trend Micro Internet Security (Applications > Trend Micro)
2. Go to Trend Micro Internet Security > Preferences (in the menu bar – top left hand corner)
3. Click the lock button in the lower left and enter your system admin password
4. Click “Edit the List…” for “Files Not Scanned:”
5. Click the “Folders” section.
6. Click the “+” button.
7. Then push “Command” + “Shift” + “.” to reveal hidden files/folders.
8. Browse to /Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Preferences/SpaceSaver
9. Click Add. You must add the WHOLE SpaceSaver folder
10. Click Done, then OK
Now relaunch SpaceSaver and you’ll be up and going!